Saturday, November 2, 2013

Ant Proofing Your Home


Even though they are small, ants can cause big problems.  Often underestimated, ant infestations cause significant damages and financial losses to property owners.  In Texas, infestations by ants is becoming common with a variety of species, which include raspberry crazy ants, fire ants and carpenter ants. 

Ants Are Capable Of Causing More Damage Than You Would Assume

While living with ants is certainly not an enjoyable experience, their presence can have many long-term repercussions. These invasive insects build colonies rapidly and nest comfortably indoors. Their infestation can be tracked through various entry points such as cracks, hollow doors, attic vents, pipes and wires.

Carpenter ants are capable of causing major damage to wooden structures, such as foundations, walls and furniture. The dreaded Raspberry crazy ant is attracted to electrical equipment and can even cause short circuits by chewing through insulated wires. Too many dead ants can cause mechanical failures and overheating in electrical devices. Fire ants are known for their characteristic sting that leaves distinct red spots on the skin. These species, if left untreated, can cause major agricultural losses by harming crop and livestock. An ant infestation in your home can also risk food contamination due to the constant foraging of food supplies by worker ants.

Timely Professional Help Can Save You Thousands Of Dollars

When you suspect a possible ant infestation, the best strategy would be to hire the services of a trained exterminator. Homeowners often attempt to tackle the visible symptoms of the infestation themselves. Superficial do-it-yourself treatments might just not be effective enough to get to the root of the situation. A successful professional treatment will be able to solve the entire problem thus giving you complete protection from the pests.

If you see dirt piles in your basement, attic or around the house, call us today for a free inspection. Our experienced pest control specialists will be able to devise a safe, affordable and highly effective treatment and prevention plan to keep your home free of ants forever.

Contact us at 832-413-6114

EcoGuard- The Bugs Stop Here!